
Howlader & Co Blog

national insurance deduction for employers

National Insurance cuts and youth employment: Why businesses should recruit youngsters

7th March 2014

The reduction in employers’ National Insurance Contributions (NICs) due to come into force next month means there may never be a cheaper time to bring fresh blood into your business – particularly the blood of young’uns. So, with a reduction in NICs for under 21s and youth unemployment at approximately 20% – much higher than […]

Budget 2013: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

26th March 2013

Given up trying to work out what difference the 2013 Budget will make to you? You aren’t the only one – there’s a lot to take in. So, following our initial thoughts last week, we thought it was about time we picked the whole announcement apart in more detail. Read on to find out who […]

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