
Howlader & Co Blog

New Tax-Free Childcare Scheme

11th July 2017

A new tax-free childcare scheme has been introduced this year allowing around 2 million households to reduce the cost of childcare, including self-employed parents. How does the new scheme work? Parents with children under 12 years old can open an online account and pay in the amounts they would like for childcare provided by a […]

Around The World In 80 Taxes: An Infographic

16th May 2017

Remember the last time you had an interesting conversation about tax? No, us neither – and we’re accountants! But once in a blue moon even taxes can raise a chuckle. In an attempt to prove taxes can – very occasionally – be fun, we’ve put together a list of the 80 weirdest taxes past and […]

Probate fees scheduled to rise dramatically

7th April 2017

Update: As of 21st April 2017, these changes have been cancelled, as the government will not be able to introduce them before the General Election 2017. We expect that, in the event of a Conservative government being elected, these changes would be reintroduced soon after the election. The Government has announced broad changes in probate […]

What are Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs)?

5th April 2017

Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs) are an approved tax-advantaged employee share scheme allowing employers to grant share options to employees, most of the time as a reward for their efforts. It is designed for small companies and is not to be confused with the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), where investors receive tax relief on their investment […]

The Budget 2017, Episode 1 – Our Review

8th March 2017

As a child I often struggled to fall asleep on Christmas Eve owing to the excitement of the day that followed. As an accountant, that night was last night, the day before the new Budget was to be delivered… ok, so that last part may not be true, but a new Budget often yields some […]

UK Tax and Domicile – An Overview

21st February 2017

Is your foreign income taxable in the UK? Whether or not you should declare and pay UK tax on your income earned abroad depends not only on which country you have ‘residence’ status in but also on your ‘domicile’ status. If you are unsure of your UK residence status – that is, whether you are […]

Taxpayers warned on latest scam emails

13th January 2017

Taxpayers are being warned about the latest scam email to target them, which takes advantage of the deadline at the end of this month for the 2015-16 Self Assessment tax returns to try and trick taxpayers into thinking they’re due a tax rebate. The email – titled “#Refund Payment Confirmation Number” and an 11-digit number […]

HMRC’s Top 10 Worst Excuses For Late Tax Returns

6th January 2017

‘My yacht caught fire’, ‘a wasp attacked me’, and ‘my dog ate it and all the reminders’ feature in a list of the worst excuses for a late tax return that HMRC received this year. Each year, they release this list to highlight the 31 January deadline for filing 2015-16 personal tax returns. However, it […]

Is Your Christmas Party Tax Deductible?

23rd December 2016

Christmas is just days away and one of the traditions of the season is the company Christmas Party. Whether you choose lunch, dinner or a visit to Winter Wonderland, you might be wondering if you can claim back any of those expenses against your Corporation Tax bill. Well, we have good news for you! HMRC […]

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