
Howlader & Co Blog

Rude letters from the PAYE debt collector?

24th July 2011

We have been receiving a number of complaints from clients and associates about a letter which says something along the lines of “we have tried contacting you about an underpayment but you have failed to co-operate. We will take steps to recover the monies from you”. OR “we wrote to you recently and asked you […]

Converting flats/rooms above a shop or office

29th December 2010

An increasing trend is the conversion of office space/storage space (above an office or shop) into flats. Bear in mind that you may have available one of the most generous allowances around- 100% capital allowances (tax deduction against income tax) on the expenditure subject to a few conditions: Qualifying flat Must be “dwelling” i.e. residential […]

Barrister Accounts

9th December 2010

Barrister accounts and tax returns have a few idiosyncrasies. We’re able to talk in your language and speak in detail about those nuances – whether you’re a pupil, barrister or judge. We will guide you through all your accounting, tax and other financial advice needs from start to finish. If you’re worried about the hassle […]

Subway VAT appeal – Subway loses

4th November 2010

Two weeks ago, UK Subway franchisees were defeated in an appeal against HMRC in regards to paying VAT on toasted sandwiches. Essentially, they wanted the sandwiches to be “zero rated” i.e. no VAT to be charged on the sale of the toasted sandwiches eaten off the premises. However, its competitors (Quizmos, McDonalds) do not pay […]

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