
Howlader & Co Blog

Director Salary 2024/25

24th April 2024

Planning an optimal director salary for 2024/25 This blog is an update of the article written on 2023/24 available here where we consider the process for choosing an optimal director salary. Entering into 2024/25 certain key thresholds have remained unchanged including Primary Threshold Secondary Threshold Personal allowance As a result the general findings are that […]

Working Remotely Abroad: What Are The Tax Implications

15th March 2023

Are you considering working remotely abroad but are unsure of what the tax implications may be? As remote work continues to gain popularity even after the pandemic, more people are choosing to work remotely abroad. This blog will explore the various tax implications for digital nomads and those working remotely abroad. Digital nomads The term, […]

Cryptocurrency Terminology: Slippage, Staking, FUD & DeFi

16th December 2021

There’s lots of cryptocurrency terminology out there but if you’re struggling to get your head around it all, don’t worry – we have you covered. In this blog we explain what is slippage, staking, FUD and DeFi in crypto.

What you need to know about tax changes taking effect from 6 April 2018

6th April 2018

The new tax year starts on 6th April and with it comes changes to the tax rates and thresholds. Below we have summarised what we consider the most important changes. Dividend Allowance: The tax-free dividend allowance will be reduced from £5,000 to £2,000 per year for 2018/19 onwards. This will mostly affect directors of small […]

How to treat VAT on recharged expenses

6th September 2017

When providing services to your client, occasionally you might need to pay for items on their behalf. How do you then treat the VAT on the expenses that you recharge to the customer? There is one simple rule that you need to keep in mind: all recharged expenses carry VAT, unless the item is a […]

New Tax-Free Childcare Scheme

11th July 2017

A new tax-free childcare scheme has been introduced this year allowing around 2 million households to reduce the cost of childcare, including self-employed parents. How does the new scheme work? Parents with children under 12 years old can open an online account and pay in the amounts they would like for childcare provided by a […]

What are Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs)?

5th April 2017

Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs) are an approved tax-advantaged employee share scheme allowing employers to grant share options to employees, most of the time as a reward for their efforts. It is designed for small companies and is not to be confused with the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), where investors receive tax relief on their investment […]

UK Tax and Domicile – An Overview

21st February 2017

Is your foreign income taxable in the UK? Whether or not you should declare and pay UK tax on your income earned abroad depends not only on which country you have ‘residence’ status in but also on your ‘domicile’ status. If you are unsure of your UK residence status – that is, whether you are […]

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