
Attention to Detail

| 21st January 2013

Name one successful businessman who refuses to value attention to detail. Struggling? Me too. Serious businessmen demand the same thing from their accountants. And rightly so.

There are countless tax reliefs and charges – it’s a minefield out there if you don’t know what you are doing. But a good accountant will guide you through it with a minimum of fuss.

It’s your accountant’s job to spot everything and make sure you aren’t paying a penny more than you need to. Let’s look at some examples:-

Your personal circumstances can make a huge difference to the amount of tax you need to pay. Do you work from home? Are you married with kids? If you have a property is half of it in your wife’s name?

Having an accountant that knows the right questions to ask could save you thousands. The same could apply if you are likely to sell an asset or inherit or pass on a property. Knowing the rules about Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax could save you a life-changing sum of money. Likewise, if you work for an employer but also for yourself in a second job, you will almost certainly be charged too much – unless you’ve got a safe pair of hands to guide you.

We’ve had countless clients in that situation and have been able to cap the amount of National Insurance they had to pay. This often saves them more than £1000. We typically charge about £200. You’d be amazed how many accountants out there do the bare minimum and fail to ask the questions they need – questions that could change their clients’ lives for the better.

The better your accountant knows you, the more they can tailor their advice to suit you. At Howlader & Co we realise the personal touch is crucial. We make it our mission to spot everything, leaving no stone unturned. We’ll explain things to you in plain English, ask the questions that most people wouldn’t and there’s every chance we’ll notice things you might not have even considered.

Tax rules can be daunting but – if you play your cards right – the system can work in your favour rather than against you. You just need an accountant who values attention to detail as much as you do.

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